The digital future in Bremen
The digital revolution is rapidly transforming every aspect of business and industry and is becoming a key factor in companies' competitiveness. Industry 4.0 refers to the digitization of industrial processes but digitisation is also making inroads into the retail sector and many of the trades.
Companies on their way to the digital future need partners and networks. How can I implement digitisation measures? How can I optimize processes and develop new business models? The right partners and networks in Bremen provide the answers.
As one of Europe's leading locations for artificial intelligence and 3D printing, the state of Bremen attracts digital companies and trains highly qualified specialists.
Together a challenge becomes a solvable task - whether for big or small companies. Take a look with us at Bremen's digital offerings:
Anyone who wants to become self-employed is faced with many questions. It's a good thing there's STARTHAUS, the first point of contact for all start-up issues in Bremen and Bremerhaven. The team accompanies founders in all their steps and provides access to numerous financing and knowledge offers. Especially for start-ups in the technology sector, there are programs and subsidies tailored to the needs of the digital industry. And in technology centers like the BITZ (Bremen Innovation and Technology Centre), young companies find like-minded people and ideal infrastructures.
BITZ Bremen Innovation and Technology Centre
+49 (0) 421 2208-0
Anna Heines
Corporate Services + Location Development
Project Manager International Clients Support and WTC Customer Service
+49 (0) 421 9600-241
In the area of digitalization and Industry 4.0, BAB - Die Förderbank für Bremen und Bremerhaven supports companies with numerous offers. These include consulting support, which brings together highly qualified industry experts and companies to work together on the future. Or the RDI funding, which helps to develop, test and introduce technologies by minimizing risks for SMEs with grants and loans.
3D printing as a manufacturing technology is increasingly finding its way into the industry. The technology is closely related to digitization. What is designed on the computer can be immediately converted into reality by the 3D printer. Bremen is a European hotspot for 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing. The aerospace industry, in particular, but also medical technology and automotive engineering are key application sectors here - in which Bremen companies are outstanding.
The ECOMAT research and technology centre is a focal point for 3D printing in Bremen and is developing the technology further in big steps.
Bastian Müller
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ports and Transformation
ECOMAT project manager
+49 (0) 421 361-32292
Bremen is a leading location for AI research. In renowned institutes such as the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) or the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI), as well as in numerous companies, hundreds of specialists work at internationally recognized levels. It is united in the AI Transfer Centre, a network and learning platform, which brings experts together, provides information and encourages cooperation. But the network is not just for professionals: All curious people are also welcome, especially those who have nothing to do with AI so far but would like to find out more about the possibilities of future technology.
Providing simple, fast and uncomplicated help - that is the task of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg. It supports small and medium-sized enterprises in taking their first steps toward digitization. After all, SMEs in particular often lack the time, resources and knowledge to tackle their own projects.
In workshops, training courses and company visits, the Bremen Competence Center and its numerous partners offer an introduction to current technologies and digital topics, comprehensibly, free of charge and neutrally
Just drop by or give us a call! Also take a look at our calendar of events >>.
Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg
c/o DHI – Digital Hub Industry Bremen e.V.
+49 (0)421 49189 260
These industries feel the effects of digitization every day. But that's no reason to bury your head in the sand.
The digital pilots accompany Bremen's retail, hospitality and tourism industries on their way to digitization - in a targeted manner, at eye level and free of charge. With events, discussions and valuable information. They show the way and provide information on topics such as social media appearances, online stores or digital payment systems - needs-oriented and close to the daily challenges.
On their website: www.digitallotsen-bremen.de you can find out more about the offer for retail, tourism and gastronomy.
Success Stories
Self-driving cars, drones, robots - in Bremen, autonomous systems are a focus of numerous focus of numerous companies. A look at the diverse corporate landscape and where the committed players can be found.
Learn moreFor the last 18 years, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz) in Bremen has been at the forefront of research into artificial intelligence, robotics and cyber-physical systems. The researchers are developing innovative solutions that will help human beings, whether on land, sea, in the air or in space.
Learn moreAI at any cost or proportionate regulation? Silicon Valley is divided on the subject, as shown not least by the conflict surrounding OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman in the past few weeks. By visiting Silicon Valley as a delegation, we are personally going to find out how things are exactly.
Learn more