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Satelliten im Weltall - Quelle: OHB

Aeronautics and space industries

Northern Germany: Aeronautics and space industries in Bremen

Within the space industries and aeronautics sector more than 140 companies and 20 institutes, a workforce of about 12,000 employees, generate more than 4 billion euros per year. Considering the number of residents, Bremen has the highest employment density in the aerospace sector in Germany.

Primary industry leaders are the Airbus Group, Rheinmetall Defence Electronics, OHB and their suppliers. This success is based on the excellent skills of people. A good number of various study and training courses guarantee education and training.

Future-oriented workplaces, especially for highly qualified people, characterize the space industries and aeronautics sector. Cutting-edge research in Bremen supports the industries sustainably in the fields of materials sciences and manufacturing technologies, space systems and research, remote sensing, bionics, robotics and more. Major products from Bremen are the wings of the Airbus aircraft, the Ariane upper stages or the satellite navigation system GALILEO.

The aerospace industry in Bremen is represented by the association AVIASPACE BREMEN e.V.. There you will find all information about companies, institutes, events, trade fairs and a selection of exciting projects.

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